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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Starting a new blog

So, here I am, starting my second adventure in the blogosphere...

Some visitors may already know about Ven y Dime Cómo Vives, the blog (in Spanish) where my wife and I write about the experiences of an expat family in Bangalore. After a few months of posting, I guess I'm hooked on the idea of writing for some (mostly unknown) audience, and I have decided to try a different experiment. My purpose is to write about stuff more related to my work and my professional, and academic, interests.

I suppose that means that I need to explain which are those interests: I have been involved in technology development and innovation for more than 15 years, mostly in the software area, directly working for, or indirectly interacting with, some of the leading technology MNCs. If I had to summarize my learnings during these years in one phrase it would be: technology itself is only a 10% of the total equation. There are lots of other factors: economic, social and cultural that play a key role in the development, success and adoption of new technologies and innovations.

That's how I got more and more interested on the interactions between innovation, technology and society and I started a PhD in STS (Society and Technology Studies). Sadly, the PhD work has been parked for the last year and a half, first due to some family changes that kept me quite busy, and then because I decided to take an assignment to work in Bangalore, India in setting up a new development group.

The experience has been great, both from a personal, experiencing a very different culture and way of life, and professional perspective, learning how to deal with knowledge transfer, remote research and development models, and building capabilities in a brand new team. Actually, lots of the concepts and ideas that I learned from my PhD courses have been quite useful for this assignment.

So I have decided to blog about some of these topics: innovation, technology, society, globalization, culture, and their interactions.

Whenever you venture into a new project there is some anxiety about what is going to happen and how it is going to evolve, but I think that I'm going to enjoy this one, at least as much as I enjoy my other life in the blogosphere... Lets see what happens!

A final note: Pardon our Appearance!. I have just started the blog and have not had much time to customize the template. I expect to have some time in the next few weeks to give it a more atractive, and personalized, look

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